
Add in smaller release Dungeon Travelers

Its big test though is this Friday, when Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is released – the first of this Christmas’ triple-A blockbusters. In the meantime Bandai Namco’s Tales Of Zestiria did the best out of last week’s new releases, reaching number eight in Fifa 17 Coins both charts.

The games industry’s typically incompetent scheduling meant that several Japanese role-players all managed to come out on the same day last week, with Square Enix’s Dragon Quest Heroes relegated to number 12 in the individual formats charts and 19 in the all formats. Meanwhile, Disgaea 5 hit number 20 in the individual format charts and 27 in the all formats chart.

Add in smaller release Dungeon Travelers 2 and anime tie-in Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden and its obvious that many of these games will have been splitting their audience, to the detriment of Fifa Coins  all. Rally game WRC 5 came in next, charting at number 12 in the all formats charts.

That’s apparently only the fourth best debut the series has had, with the highest ranked version in the individual formats charts being the PlayStation 4 at number 21. The final new entry of the week was Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut at number 36 in the all formats chart. It also is a role-playing game, although in this case an old school Western style title.

FIFA 16 is, for the fourth week in a row, the best-selling game at UK retail. Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is once again in second place in the multi-platform chart, while Destinys The Taken King expansion retains third spot yet again. Theres a small number of titles debuting in this weeks top twenty, the highest chart position Fifa 17 Points Account  taken by Bandai Namcos Tales of Zestiria, which finished in eighth.

