
How to earn more coins in the shortest

How to earn more coins in the shortest time in FIFA 16? Today  bring gamers to share the manual method of Fifa 16 Coins get coins. Let's take a Ronaldook

First, often Ronaldook to their level shops, different levels often have coins bonus, if you have some experience to use in exchange for coins bonus props

About hit coins, yesterday has made a note of it friendly, explain in detail here. The UT to a season (D5 level) second league to get coins, winning only 22 points, 10 games, 2 semi-professional level games, 6 vocational level games, 2 world-class games. 22 points is not difficult to achieve, winner one-time award 5200 coins, and 10 games which an average of 400 per game in the tournament award coins,this round of Cheap Fifa 16 Coins league estimate can be ten thousand coins.http://www.fifa16shop.com/

