Echo of Soul has multiple forms of PvP built in, with the battlefields being the most popular. These are objective-based matches that pit two teams of 15 players up against one another. Getting in on this combat is available at level 10, so you can get involved pretty early on in the game. So what can you expect when getting involved, especially at Fifa 17 Coins a low level? The Effect of LevelsProbably one of the coolest parts is that levels really dont play much of a role in battlefields.
There is a buff called Battlefield Vigor that is cast upon any characters under level 59, boosting their stats to a higher level. Unlike the majority of games, in which it has little effect, with EoS it really does bring a fairness to the battles. So much so that even at level 10, its more than possible to kill the level 60s.
The only real differentiation here is that the lower level doesnt have all of the skills the higher level does. This can lead to the higher level having an advantage, but its a team-based game and therefore still ends up being pretty equal overall. The end result is that players dont get irritated when lower levels join, and everyone is able to Fifa Coins contribute to the win. Seeing Allies and EnemiesAn awesome aspect of battlefields is that they show all players on both the full and mini maps.
Allies are marked by diamonds, and enemies are little red dots, letting you see the entire map at once and know where every other player is (and where theyre heading). The downside to the system is that it also means you cant really hide or sneak up on players if theyre watching the maps. This adds quite a twist to most of the battles, because you can quickly see who is going towards an objective, where you need to be heading to, and what all is going on.
Analyzing this available information does wonders when it comes to playing effectively. Rewarding ParticipantsThis is sort of a two-fold system. All players that arent penalized (which more or Fifa 17 Coins less just means they didnt actually help contribute to the fight) will get rewards, in the form of Warrior Badges (used to purchase items from PvP merchants), experience, and gold.