Saw the opportunity there is recommended the player automatically switches to "golf", only Zhengding it automatically switches to Fifa Coins manually switch the other defensive players on the defensive with a shot button, push the sides, then will interfere with each other, personal press ctr1 key called to defend his teammates, own timely running, if he passes generally have to switch to another player, the defense is to avoid tearing.
Defensive anticipation is very important, for example, you know that he will definitely have to go to the bottom line, then cut inside, you should choose Songane speed, hold Fl2 key, with gentle walking distance on him, in fact, restricted to the vicinity of the attack when the other recommended Songane speed Press Fl2J key defense, have to be careful or cross each other straight road, then that is much more familiar with the play.
FIFA steals sometimes do not need to press any key, predict quasi forward or you appear in the other change to the position, it will automatically break him the ball, you want to take the initiative out of the foot is to pay attention to a good shot button, but not the side the best use of the situation.
FIFA 16 newly added women's football, ball fake no new elements, etc., many players are still not enough to understand, you may also need to spend a lot of FIFA 16 coins to experience. Here we bring "FIFA 16" no ball fake and women's demo experience.
FIFA 16 demo segment is divided into two parts, one to explain the new features of the game, the second is the actual game demo.Senior Producer FIFA production team personally stood with Fifa 17 Coins a large-screen video with PPT add this as a way to explain the new features.